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5 Bikini Selfies That Will Change How You See Before/After Weight Loss Pictures Forever

About a year ago, Australian fitness instuctor Mel V went posted this mind-blowing selfie:

Those pictures were taken within minutes of each other. Mel posted the photo to point out that when you see a super-fit bikini selfie on Instagram, that person probably does not look that ripped in every day life, she probably just knows how to pose. Mel wrote that she took these steps to go from normal to looking like a fitness model instantly:

1. Ditched the phonewallet cause that shit is lame.

2. Changed into black bikini bottoms that are a size larger than the red ones.

3. Rubbed on a fake tan. 4. Clipped in hair extensions and wore her hair down.

5. Stood up taller with her shoulders back and sucked in her stomach.

6. Stood with her legs a bit wider apart and popped her hip. 7. Chicken. Wing.

8. Smiled.9. Zoomed out further.

10. Added a filter and upped the contrast of the photo.

After that, many women started posting their “transformation“photos on Instagram to show the world that not everything you see on the Net is real and that Photoshop and other editing programs can do miracles to basically everybody. Here are some of the Before\After selfies that were posted on Instagram and next time you see a hot fitness body think about how real it actually is: